Thursday, March 12, 2009

Training Course in Emergency Shelter Operations for Environment Advisors: April 2-4, 2009

Global Emergency Shelter Cluster
ProAct Network, CARE International, WWF-Central America
Training Course Announcement Emergency Shelter Operations for Environment Advisors April 2 – 4, 2009 / La Lima, Honduras

Training of Environment Advisors for EmergencyShelter OperationsProAct Network and CARE International, in collaboration withWorld Wildlife Fund-Central America and the Global Emergency Shelter Cluster, are organizing a three day training forEmergency Shelter Operations Environment Advisors.

Environment Advisors will support Emergency Cluster fieldoperations by providing advice and technical support to the Cluster Coordinator and Cluster members on how to identify and minimize the negative impacts of emergency shelter assistance1. The training is intended for individuals with strongenvironmental backgrounds and a willingness to become involved in emergency shelter operations and the overallimprovement of the environmental impact of emergency shelterand other disaster response operations.

Training Details
The three day Emergency Shelter Environment Advisor training will take place at the Facilities of the Honduran Agricultural Research Foundation (FHIA), Colonia Sula, La Lima, Cortés, Honduras from April 2, 2009 to April 4,2009. The training is being organized by ProAct Network2and CARE International3 with the support ofWorld Wildlife Fund-Central America4. This training is open to individuals from Central America andthe wider Caribbean. The training will be in English.

The Emergency Shelter Environment Advisor training is a no-fee event and limited to 15 participants. The training will be conducted on a resident basis, with lodging and meals provided. Local and international travel will be covered where a participant’s employer cannot cover these costs.

More information on the Cluster approach and the Emergency Shelter Cluster can be found at

The Environment and Emergency Shelter
Providing shelter in a quick andeffective manner following adisaster is often one of the mostchallenging tasks faced by the humanitarian community. Post-disaster shelter can also pose significant threats to the environment, with short and longterm negative consequences for the disaster affected and neighboringcommunities. In most cases, those involved in organizing post-disastershelter have little time (and often insufficient experience) to identify potential negative environmentalimpacts and ways to minimize oravoid these impacts.

The Emergency Shelter Environment Advisor training will cover the following: Disaster management and environmentconceptsEmergency and transitional shelterconcepts and realitiesThe Cluster ApproachPolicy and good practice requirementsfor humanitarian assistanceEnvironmental impact assessment tools and resources in disastersEmergency shelter-focusedenvironment impact management toolsand resourcesField exercise using environment-focused tools and resourcesLinks between shelter-relatedenvironmental issues and other clustersEmergency response field operationsWho should attend?Potential Emergency Shelter Cluster Environment Advisors will have:Several years of experience in implementing environmental programs or projects;Experience in working with local communities, including community-based environmentalresource management;An academic degree in a field related to the environment (or comparable professionalexperience);A willingness to work in difficult field conditions and the pressures associated withhumanitarian assistance operations.Experience in disaster response is useful, but not necessary, to attend the training. Applications accepted on a first come first serve basis – the final date for submission is March 20, 2009. Anyone interested in attending the course should complete the following form and forward it by email asindicated.

Application Form – Emergency Shelter Environment Advisor Training
Please provide the information requested in the form below and return to Ada Beatriz Pinelo andAndrea Girón ( & by the deadline indicated above.Please use additional pages if the space below is not sufficient.

2Postal Address
3Email address
4Phone (indicate country code)
5Employer and address
6Current Job Title
7Highest academic degree and field ofstudy
8Knowledge of English (check box)Note: All training will be done in English.□ Native Speaker, □ Excellent, □ Good, □ Fair9Environment-related courses completed (list title, date and location)
10 List any publications which you have authored on environmental issues
11 Environmental experience:Please indicate your professional experience in the environment andnatural resource management. For work on specific projects pleaseprovide the project title andorganization managing the project.Start with the most recent work andmove backwards.
12 Please list any disaster or emergency assistance efforts you have beeninvolved in.13 Can your employer cover all or some ofthe travel costs for you to come to the training?□ All □ Some □ None
14 Please provide one reference, including name, email, phone and organization.

More information on the Cluster approach and the Emergency Shelter Cluster can be found at

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