Monday, January 28, 2008

e-GLO Inventation: Deadline Feb.1, 2008

The e-GLO Team is very pleased to announce that the e-GLO application process is open for interested participants! Download the application at:

...for this Earth Charter-inspired global learning opportunity! The application deadline is this Friday, 1 February 2008, so don't delay!

e-GLO provides a great way to learn how to promote your Youth Group and local community development projects through global digital media!

Project Description

e-GLO (Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity) is a semester-long, online digital story telling and community leadership training inspired by the Earth Charter.

e-GLO will be offered to 20-30 youth aged 15-30 who are motivated community development leaders and socially conscious artists from around the world. Participants will meet online via webcam and mic in e-GLO's own virtual conference environment. The online sessions will happen every other week for a period of two hours and will cover introductions, workshops, interviews with expert guests, cultural performances, and participant presentations on local projects, intergenerational partnerships, and e-GLO collaborative projects. For e-GLO's finale, a live, interactive, multi-media event - open to the public - will be held, celebrating participants' accomplishments.

e-GLO participants will have the opportunity to:

* learn more about the Earth Charter
* network with young leaders from around the world
* receive mentorship and support with local projects from other participants as well as from our experienced team
* gain new skills in digital story telling
* develop new channels for existing community development work
* have a great time while making a difference

Organization Background

e-GLO is a project of Earth Charter International (ECI)

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society for the 21st century. Created by the most inclusive and participatory global consultation process ever associated with an international declaration and endorsed by over 4,000 organizations representing millions of individuals, the Earth Charter seeks to inspire in all peoples a sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the wellbeing of the human family, the larger living world, and future generations. The Earth Charter is an expression of hope and a call to help create a global partnership at a critical juncture in history.

We look forward to getting your application!

The e-GLO Team

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