Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Code of Best Practices in Sustainable Filmmaking

The Center for Social Media, Filmmakers for Conservation, and the Center for Environmental Filmmaking have collaborated to produce the publication "Code of Best Practices in Sustainable Filmmaking."

Please review it on line at www.sustainablefilmmaking.org, and please see the press release below for more details.

I commend Pat Aufderheide and Larry Engel for their leadership in bringing this important code to fruition. Our hope is that we in the Film and Media Arts Division will adopt the code in each of our production courses, use it, and pay for offsets. We want to be the first film school in the country to literally “go green.”


Chris Palmer
Distinguished Film Producer in Residence
Director, Center for Environmental Filmmaking
School of Communication, American University
office: 202-885-3408

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