Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Change to Green on the Screen Showing: Feb. 19, 2009

Due to a scheduling error, Shifting Nature will not be screened Thursday, Feb. 19. Instead Water First: Reaching the Millennium Development Goals will be shown.

Water First: Reaching the Millennium Development Goals.
Through the inspiring story of Charles Banda - a local fireman turned waterman who has drilled more than 800 wells in his impoverished country of Malawi - Water First conveys the critical role of clean water in addressing all other major global issues from hunger and poverty to women’s equality, HIV/AIDS and environmental sustainability. These issues are articulated in the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)...Water First shows the vital importance of clean water in meeting all these humanitarian goals. 45 min.

Date: Thursday, Feb 19, 2009
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: Media Services Classroom - located on the Lower Level of Bender Library
The Green on the Screen video series is open to all and visitors are welcome to bring lunch. The series is coordinated by the Library Green Team with support from AU Ecosense and the Center for Environmental Filmmaking.

Future Green on the Screen events are listed here:

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