Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Climate Change event

Center for Health and Global Environment Senate Briefing:

Scientists and Evangelicals Share Concerns on Climate Change

Tuesday, November 17th
1:00PM - 2:30 PM

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 628
Sponsored by Senators Kerry and Lugar
Please bring a photo ID for admission

Dear Friends,

Please join us at our upcoming Senate briefing, bringing together four prominent scientists and four leading evangelical Christians to share their concerns about climate change. Rarely have these two groups spoken with one voice, but they are coming together with a shared sense of urgency about the profound implications of climate change for human health and for the natural support systems that sustain all life on Earth, and about the political paralysis in Washington on this issue.

Featuring: Dr. Eric Chivian, Rev. Richard Cizik, Dr. Jim McCarthy, Rev. Joel Hunter, Dr. Nancy Knowlton, Rev. Gerald Durley, Ms. Deborah Fikes, and Dr. Tom Lovejoy (who will be filling in for Dr. Edward Wilson).

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