Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Publications from WRI

It has been two years since the Equity, Poverty and Environment Objective at WRI has sent out an announcement of its new publications. A long list of new publications that have accrued during this period is now available on line!

Our Representation and Equity Research Publications List, with links to all of our publications since 2000, can be accessed by clicking on: (new publications on this list are highlighted).

NEW Publications from Representation and Equity Research at WRI

WRI Research Reports & Briefs

·Soon to be NEW: Ribot, Jesse C. Forthcoming. Democracy Effects of Natural Resource Interventions: Institutional Choices and Responsibilities.Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.

·Soon to be NEW: Veit, Peter G. 2008. On Whose Behalf: Legislative Representation and the Environment in Africa. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute Research Report.

·NEW: Veit, Peter G., R. Nshala, M. Odhiambo, and J. Manyindo. 2008. Protected Areas and Property Rights: Democratizing Eminent Domain in East Africa. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute Policy Brief.

·NEW: Foti, Joseph, L. de Silva, H. McGray, L. Shaffer, J. Talbot, and J. Werksman. 2008. Voice and Choice: Opening the Door to Environmental Democracy. Washington DC: World Resources Institute.

Edited Journal Special Issues

NEW: Ribot, J.C., Ashwini Chhatre, and Tomila V. Lankina (eds.). Special Issue, Conservation and Society. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, with articles by: Ribot, Chhatre, and Lankina; Chhatre; Lankina; Larson; Mongbo; Bandiaky; and Hara; Spierenburg, Steenkamp, and Wels.

NEW: Ribot, J.C. and Oyono, Phil Rene (eds.). Special Issue, Africa Development, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, 2006, with article by Ribot and Oyono; Bazaara; Namara; Muhereza; Mandondo and Kozanayi; Mapedza; Oyono and Efoua; Oyono and Nzuzi; Kassibo; and Feyissa.

Representation, Equity and Environment Working Paper Series (formerly ‘Environmental Governance in Africa’ Working Paper Series)

NEW: Working Paper #38.
Steering Community-Driven Development A Desk Study of NRM Choices. Jesse Ribot and Robin Mearns. March 2005 [Working Paper Printing 2008].
NEW: Working Paper #37.
Analyse de la filière Charbon de Bois au Sénégal:Recommandations. Jesse Ribot. September 2006.
NEW: Working Paper #36fr.
Non-décentralisation démocratique au Sénégal: Le non-transfert de l’autorité sur les forêts. Jesse Ribot. January 2008.
NEW: Working Paper #36.
Authority over Forests: Negotiating Democratic Decentralization in Senegal. Jesse Ribot. January 2008. [Note: This working paper is accompanied by four videos listed under Films and Videos, below. These are: Film on Vimeo English; Film on Vimeo French; Dialogue about film on Vimeo; and a talk about the case on Vimeo.
NEW: Working Paper #35.
Institutional Choice and Recognition in the Formation and Consolidation of Local Democracy. Jesse Ribot, Ashwini Chhatre, and Tomila Lankina. January 2008.
NEW: Working Paper #34.
Institutional Choice in the Shadow of History: Decentralization in Indonesia. Takeshi Ito. December 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #33.
State Building and Local Democracy in Benin: Two Cases of Decentralized Forest Management. Roch Mongbo. October 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #32.
Party Politics, Social Movements, and Local Democracy:Institutional Choices in the Brazilian Amazon. Fabiano Toni. October 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #31.
Engendering Exclusion in Senegal’s Democratic Decentralization: Subordinating Women through Participatory Natural Resource Management. Solange Bandiaky. October 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #30.
‘Fragmented Belonging’ on Russia’s Western Frontier and Local Government Development in Karelia. Tomila Lankina. August 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #29.
Undermining Grassland Management Through Centralized Environmental Policies in Inner Mongolia. Wang Xiaoyi. August 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #28.
Dilemmas of Democratic Decentralization in Mangochi District Malawi: Interest and Mistrust in Fisheries Management. Mafaniso Hara. August 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #27.
Indigenous Peoples, Representation and Citizenship inGuatemalan Forestry. Anne M. Larson. August 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #26.
Enclosing the Local for the Global Commons: Community LandRights in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier ConservationArea. Marja Spierenburg, Conrad Steenkamp, and Harry Wels. August 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #25.
La réglementation de la filière du charbon de bois à l’épreuve dela décentralisation: entre discours, lois et pratiques. El Hadji Diaigué Bâ. February 2006.
NEW: Working Paper #24.
Institutional Choice and Recognition: Effects on the Formationand Consolidation of Local Democracy, Minutes of aComparative Policy Research Workshop. Rapportuers: Bradley L. Kinder, Nathaniel Gerhart, and Anjali Bhat. December 2006.
NEW: Working Paper #23.
Accountability in Decentralization and the Democratic Context:Theory and Evidence from India. Ashwini Chhatre. January 2007.
NEW: Working Paper #22fr.
Or Vert et Or Noir dans le Cameroun Rural: Ressources Naturelles pour la Gouvernance Locale, la Justice et laDurabilité. Phil René Oyono, Jesse C. Ribot et Anne M. Larson. October 2006.
NEW: Working Paper #22.
Green and Black Gold in Rural Cameroon : Natural Resources for Local Governance, Justice and Sustainability. Phil René Oyono, Jesse C. Ribot and Anne M. Larson. October 2006.

Journal and Other Publications from the WRI Program

·NEW: Veit, P.G. 2007. “Legal Distortions: Government Policy and the Distribution of Environmental Benefits.” South African Journal of International Affairs. Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 33-52.
·NEW: Larson, Anne, and J.C. Ribot. 2007. “The Poverty of Forestry Policy: Double Standards on an Uneven Playing Field.” Journal of Sustainability Science. Vol. 2, No. 2.
·NEW: Ribot, J.C. 2007. “Institutional Choice and Recognition in the Consolidation of Local Democracy.” Democracy. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 43-49.
·NEW: Ribot, J.C. 2006. “Choose Democracy: Environmentalists’ Socio-political Responsibility,” Global Environmental Change. Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 115-119
·NEW: Ribot, J.C. 2006. “Democratic Decentralization of Natural Resources: Institutionalizing Popular Participation,” Forestry Economics. Vol. 163, No. 2. [Chinese language journal published in Beijing, China—article composed in English and translated into Chinese.]
·NEW: Ribot, J.C., Arun Agrawal and Anne M. Larson. 2006. “The Decentralization of Natural Resource Management: Theory Meets Political Realty,” World Development. Vol. 34, No. 11. Pp. 1864-86.

Film and Video

NEW: “Weex Dunx and the Quota: Plucking Local Democracy in Senegal,” A film by Jesse C. Ribot, (Twenty-four minute video—Wolof with English and French subtitles)
Synopsis: Mr. Weex Dunx (Mr. Scapegoat), the elected President of the Rural Council of Nambaradougou (Place of many problems), is ecstatic to learn that new decentralization laws have given his council the right to manage and use forests. The council now has the right to decide how much woodcutting will take place in their jurisdiction and who gets to do the cutting and selling. But, when Weex Dunx tries to exercise his new powers he is confronted by incredulous foresters, administrators and merchants who are in shock that he thinks he can make decisions about the forests. Exasperated because these powerful notables don’t like him if he resists and his people don’t like him if he gives in, Weex Dunx is torn between doing what is right for his community and surrendering to pressures from powerful people whom he does not want to disappoint. Copies on DVD or CD can be provided on request. [The research for this film is presented in Working Paper #36 listed above.] Please visit the WRI web page to view the film.The film can also be viewed via Vimeo (English and French) and YouTube (English and French). A discussion of this film with the author can be viewed under the next item below, “The Scapegoat’s Tale.”

NEW: “The Scapegoat’s Tale: Decentralizing Democracy in Africa,” Television Interview with Jesse C. Ribot on Dialogue, a television program produced by George Liston Seay at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The program is a discussion of the film “Weex Dunx and the Quota: Plucking Local Democracy in Senegal,” above. [Also see accompanying working paper Working Paper #36.] The program can be viewed on line via Vimeo or the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars site.

NEW: “Distributional Equity in Forest Exploitation: Double Standards on an Uneven Playing Field,” Keynote Speech by Jesse C. Ribot for the Seminar on the economic social and ecological importance of the world’s tropical forests and the challenges facing them Forest and Landscape Institute, University of Copenhagen 5/08. [Also see accompanying working paper Working Paper #36.] The talk can be viewed on line via Vimeo.

NEW: “The Business of Sustainable Development: An African Forest Tale,” A Story for Children and Select Adults by Jesse C. Ribot with Illustrations by Mor Gueye. Please visit YouTube to view. A discussion with the author of this story can be seen on the television program ‘Dialogue’ of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Electronic copies of WRI publications and working papers that are not available on line can be requested by emailing You may also request a complimentary printed copy of most publications sending your mailing address.

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